Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC)

Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC)

Hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) refers to the internal cracks brought about by material trapped in budding hydrogen atoms. It involves atomic hydrogen, which is the smallest atom, that diffuses into a metallic structure. In the case of a crystal lattice becoming saturated or coming into contact with atomic hydrogen, many alloys and metals may lose their mechanical properties.


Applicable for base material or welds, ferritic or non-ferritic conductive metals.

Can be used on hot surfaces, underwater, or in irradiated environments.

Provides both depth and length information.

Accurate sizing of defects up to 25mm in depth.

Requires minimal surface preparation and can be applied over paint and other coatings.

Applicable for underwater inspection as well as normal inspection.

Inspection data can be stored and analysed offline.

What is Hydrogen Induced Cracking - HIC and SOHIC

→Holiday Inspection