Ultrasonic Weld Scan

Ultrasonic Weld Scan

In Ultrasonic Testing (UT), very short ultrasonic pulse –waves with center frequencies ranging from 0.1 to 15 MHz are transmitted into materials to detect internal flaws or to characterize materials. UT is often performed on steel and other metals and alloys, though it can also be used on concrete, wood and composites. We offer onsite flaw detection services for inspection of structures, components, shafts, welds etc. We are equipped with state of art digital flaw detectors and our technicians are well qualified, certified for reliable & faster inspection.


Inspection performed rapidly and at low cost.

Ability to inspect complex sizes and shapes of any material.

Minimum part preparation required

Most weld discontinuities including cracks, slag, lack of fusion, lack of bond, accurate thickness measurement possible

To measure intergranular corrosion quantitatively


Most sensitive to planar type defects

Test results known immediately

High penetration capability

Requires access from only one surface